Comparing Ossiform P3D Scaffolds to Real Bone Slices
As part of a larger study, Ossiform has compared P3D Scaffolds to slices of real bone. After 28 days of culture, it was determined that there is no significant difference in cell viability between slices of bone and the P3D Scaffolds, as it appears on the graph in the upper left corner. Furthermore, it is clear that the variance within the test-groups is much lower in the P3D Scaffolds than bone slices.
The SEM images show osteoblast produced collagen on a P3D Scaffold (to the right) and a bone slice (to the left).
Combined with the scaffolds’ physical resemblance with bone in terms of calcium phosphate content, porosity and stiffness, it is clear that P3D Scaffolds offer a more reliable, animal-free alternative to cell culturing on bone slices.
Ossiform P3D Scaffolds are xeno-free, bioceramic scaffolds which provide a bone-like niche for in vitro and in vivo studies such as disease modeling, drug screening and bioengineering. The 3D printed bioceramic scaffolds are developed to resemble native bone with respect to both physical and structural properties, such as high contents of β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) and stiffness, as well as macro- and micro-porosities.

This announcement has been adapted from the content published by Ossiform. Ilex Life Sciences is an authorized distributor of Ossiform P3D Scaffolds research product line.