Collection: Human Serum & Human Platelet Lysate

Human Serum:

Human Sera from PAN-Biotech consists exclusively of human material. Human serum may be more suitable for the cultivation of human cells than FBS since serum and the cultured cells belong to the same species. Thus, the physiological and natural conditions in vitro are reproduced most similar to those in vivo. Human serum is particularly suitable for cell culture of human cells e.g. research in cell and immunotherapy, tissue engineering, and other applications where the presence of animal derived components is unwanted.

Heat Inactivated or Gamma Irradiated serum is available by request.

PAN-Biotech offers three different categories of human serum: "Off the clot", Seraclot and converted human serum.

Off the clot serum

Off-the-clot serum is prepared from human whole blood collected without anti-coagulant, allowed to clot at room temperature and then centrifuged to remove the clot. We provide single donor units as well as pooled off-the-clot serum. Off-the-clot serum is filtered through depth and membrane filters before filling.


Seraclot is a human serum, which is equal to the "off-the-clot“ serum in cell culture and in many cases exceeds its quality. An increased content of growth factors expands the possibilities in therapeutic cell culture. Seraclot is excellently suited for tissue engineering and cell differentiation. Seraclot is composed exclusively of human material.

Human serum

Human serum is produced from human plasma by addition of calcium chloride. This results in clotting of the plasma. After the coagulation process the cellular and solid constituents of the serum are removed by centrifugation, the human serum is washed and concentrated by ultra-filtration and finally filtered through a combination of depth- and membrane- filters.

PAN-Biotech offers also converted human serum from donors with the blood group AB. Their blood does not contain anti-A nor anti-B antibodies, that could damage cultured cells and is therefore particularly suitable for immunological and hematopoietic studies.

Human Platelet Lysate (hPL):

Human Platelet Lysate (hPL) is a xeno-free alternative to fetal bovine serum (FBS). hPL is a promising source of bioactive substances as growth factors not only for in vivo wound healing and tissue repair, but also for the expansion of human cells in culture.

Platelets are a natural source of growth factors. They contain platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), transforming growth factor (TGF-β), and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Growth factors contain in hPL, like hormones and cytokines lead toa strong proliferation of human cells in culture and also have influence on the cell function.

hPL is able to promote mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) expansion, to decrease the time required to reach confluence and to increase CFU-F size, as compared to the FBS medium. hPL promotes the expansion of human adherent and non-adherent primary cells and cell lines, including primary MSCs.

Heat Inactivated or Gamma Irradiated hPL is available by request.

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