New screenMATRIX Application Note: AI-assisted Imaging Accelerates Selection of Optimal Cell Culture Matrices

A recent collaboration between denovoMATRIX and Thinking Research Instruments has yielded an even faster, easier way to evaluate and select the optimal extracellular matrix (ECM) coating for your particular cell line!
The screenMATRIX is a standardized 96-well plate format that contains a preselection of chemically defined compositions of different polysaccharides and synthetic peptides. It can be used to identify optimal microenvironments for a variety of cell types and applications. screenMATRIX has been applied by cell therapy and cultured meat companies to create custom coatings for animal component-free, large-scale cell expansion, as well as pharmaceutical companies for optimizing in vitro models.
VAIDR is an integrated system for automated microscopy and analysis. It combines universally applicable digital phase-contrast microscopy with efficient deep learning algorithms for unbiased pattern recognition and exposes these functionalities in a user-friendly interface, which requires no training in data science.
In the full application note below, you can see how the presented combination of both technologies accelerates and simplifies the identification of optimal ECM-mimetics and growth conditions for primary and stem cells:
Ilex Life Sciences LLC is an authorized distributor of screenMATRIX. To learn more about screenMATRIX, please visit the screenMATRIX product page.