3-D Life Dextranase

3-D Life Dextranase

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The 3-D Life Dextranase allows the degradation of dextran-based 3-D Life Hydrogels. It contains dextranase from Chaetomium sp., which cleaves glycosidic bonds of dextran. The brown color of the dextranase solution can vary from lot to lot. This does not interfere with the product's quality.

For instructions, please consult General Protocols GP-1 "Preparation of 3-D Life Fast Gelling Hydrogels" or GP-2 "Preparation of 3-D Life Slow Gelling Hydrogels" and the 3-D Life Hydrogels User Guide, which can all be found at the links below.


Dissolution of dextran-based hydrogels to recover live or fixed cells without proteolytic degradation. 3-D Life Dextranase is used at a 1:20 dilution in the culture supernatant to dissolve dextran-based hydrogels. A detailed description of application is available in the 3-D Life Hydrogels User Guide.


500 µl

Concentration of reactive groups

>4000 units/mL


Other names:

EC, 1,6-alpha-D-glucan-6-glucanohydrolase, 6-alpha-D-glucan 6-glucanohydrolase, alpha-1,6-D-glucan 6-glucanohydrolase, alpha-1,6-D-glucan-6-glucanohydrolase, Alpha-1,6-glucan-6-glucanohydrolase, alpha-D-1,6-glucan-6-glucanohydrolase, alpha-dextranase, alpha-glucanase, AODex, Dex, Dex2, Dex410, Dex49A, DexA, dextran hydrolase, dextranase, dextranase DL 2, dextranase I, dextranase II, dextransucrase, DL 2, endo-dextranase, endodextranase, extracellular dextranase, Fjoh_4430, LSD1, SmDex, Teth39_0264, TPDex

Ilex Life Sciences LLC is an authorized distributor of Cellendes GmbH products.